7th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies

ACL Special Interest Group on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies


This year's invited speaker is Professor Helen Meng from CUHK, Hong Kong.

Oral presentation sessions will consist of four 15-minute talks, with five minutes each for questions.

Time Tuesday 13 September
08:15 Registration
08:45 Welcome - Frank Rudzicz
09:00 Invited keynote, Prof. Helen Meng
10:00 Refreshments
10:30 Oral Presentation Session 1
- Tag Thunder: Web Page Skimming in Non Visual Environment Using Concurrent Speech
- Navigating the Spoken Wikipedia
- Selecting Exemplar Recordings of American Sign Language Non-Manual Expressions for Animation Synthesis Based on Manual Sign Timing
- Effect of Speech Recognition Errors on Text Understandability for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Oral Presentation Session 2
- Towards graceful turn management in human-agent interaction for people with cognitive impairments
- Simple and robust audio-based detection of biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease
- Discriminating the Infant Cry Sounds Due to Pain vs. Discomfort Towards Assisted Clinical Diagnosis
- Improvement of Continuous Dysarthric Speech Quality
15:00 Poster 2-Minute Madness (with slides)
15:30 Poster Session (with refreshments)
- PAoS Markers: Trajectory Analysis of Selective Phonological Posteriors for Assessment of Progressive Apraxia of Speech
- The Effect of Semantic Difference on Non-expert Judgments of Simplified Sentences
- An ASR-Based Interactive Game for Speech Therapy
- An Impulse Sequence Representation of the Excitation Source Characteristics of Nonverbal Speech Sounds
- Dysarthric Speech Modification Using Parallel Utterance Based on Non-negative Temporal Decomposition
- Recognizing Whispered Speech Produced by an Individual with Surgically Reconstructed Larynx Using Articulatory Data
- flexdiam – flexible dialogue management for problem-aware, incremental spoken interaction for all user groups (Demo paper)
- Predicting Intelligible Speaking Rate of Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis from Speech Acoustic and Articulatory Samples
- Combining word prediction and r-ary Huffman coding for text entry
16:30 SIG-SLPAT business meeting
17:00 Wrap-up